What is the cloud, and is it really as revolutionary as everyone says?

We’ve written a free eBook to answer your lingering questions

There’s nothing wrong with being confused by cloud technology. If understanding and
managing it was effortless, we’d be out of business. But you do need a modicum of
awareness to ensure you aren’t getting swindled.

Discover the answer


We wrote Demystifying the Cloud: What it is and why you should care to educate those interested in moving to the cloud who need background information on how it works and why they need it.

With this download, you’ll learn:

  • The most common uses of cloud technology for small- and medium-sized businesses
  • Why certain benefits are inherent to every cloud platform
  • How to maximize cost savings with your various cloud solutions
  • …and more

There’s no catch, fine print, and we have no ulterior motive with this offer. F1 Solutions Inc merely hopes that when the time comes to hire a managed services provider, you’ll remember the team that took the time to bring you up to speed. And if you still don’t feel fully prepared after reading our eBook -- the answers to all your questions are just a phone call away!

F1 Solutions and its staff of excellent technicians have provided our company with the best IT support for many years. Whether it’s support for our main site or our many remote locations, we can count on F1 to provide effective and timely setup and support regardless the issue whether big or small.

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Despite having a small full time IT department, we occasionally run into projects and issues that are a bit beyond our areas of expertise. F1 has been able to effectively seal those gaps. Whether concerning emergency situations, new system planning, or system replacement, F1 has consistently answered ...Read More


Our practice has been affiliated with F1 Solutions since December 1999. We started our association with a single computer which housed a database of the highest priority. A hard drive failure on 12/30/99 was the introduction to our relationship. That disastrous event was handled with efficiency and ...Read More