Many employees would consider the flow of information between different departments in their workplace to be poor. The inevitable result of lack of engagement is mediocre performance and a substantially reduced quality of products, services, and customer support.
There are many reasons why communication among departments may not be a strong point in your organization, but the lack of suitable training sessions is the most common. Human resources teams in particular need good training since they are responsible for onboarding new employees and ensuring they can work well with your work culture.
To attract the best talent and increase employee retention, it’s important to foster an environment of learning, motivation, and cooperation. When you take the following training steps, your HR team will be better equipped to operate seamlessly with employees from other departments.
#1. Setting a Challenge
Many people claim they want an easy life but in reality, most of us like to feel the sense of achievement that comes with rising to a challenge. Team-building activities aren’t just great for fostering an environment of cooperation and communication; they also present an opportunity for fun and engagement. The approach might seem clichéd, but such activities have proven to be effective in various organizations.
One of the best ways to get started on the right track is to begin all training sessions with a fun challenge. For example, you could set a goal-driven activity whereby team members need to plan a project, including defining possible outcomes and risks. This can be a great way to promote the importance of strong teamwork and setting both personal and business-related goals.
#2. Creating a Brand
Probably one of the most common criticisms of the corporate world is that it tends to be fragmented and impersonal. Recent studies show that two-thirds of workers in the US are disengaged from their jobs. The onboarding process is important when it comes to preventing your employees from becoming members of that statistic, and in no department is this truer than it is with human resources.
To ensure that everyone is on the same page from the outset, you’ll want to create a training brand that sets the foundation for strong cooperation. By building a training brand, you’ll have the environment you need to unite employees and strengthen your business. It might not be easy, but there’s no better way to enrich your company culture.
#3. Using Interactive Materials
With the percentage of technology-aware millennials rapidly rising in the workforce, there’s never been a better time to complement your training programs with fun and interactive material. One way to do this is to implement an e-learning platform that affords your human resources team the freedom to learn when and where they want. With 24/7 accessibility, these cloud-based platforms are both interactive and flexible.
One of the biggest trends in interactive learning is gamification, which uses the goal-driven approach and mechanics of games in non-game scenarios. Such approaches have proven time and again to be highly effective in making staff training seem less like a chore and more like something that people look forward to. A world away from the dreariness of training alone, modern e-learning platforms can greatly improve the effectiveness of your entire training strategy.
F1 Solutions provides businesses with the IT support and services they need to help foster a collaborative environment where different departments can work seamlessly together. If you’re ready to boost efficiency and improve your bottom line, talk to one of our experts today.