How to Engage Employees with Great Teamwork

How to Engage Employees with Great Teamwork

Did you know that 85% of the US workforce aren’t engaged with their jobs? Although reasonably happy at work, over two thirds of employees have no interest in the goals and missions of the companies they work for. On top of that, 18% of the workforce is actively disengaged, which is characterized by frequent negativity that contributes to a toxic workplace.

Job satisfaction isn’t just important for the emotional wellbeing of your employees – it also has a significant impact on your company’s performance. An engaged team is inherently more efficient, motivated, and productive. Employee turnover is also a lot less, resulting in greatly reduced burden on your human resources department. For a company to thrive in today’s market, you’ll need to take every possible step to build a more engaged workforce.

It’s Not All About Money

Most business leaders assume that the only reason their employees come to work in the morning is to receive their paycheck. Of course, financial compensation is and always will be the main reason people get a job in the first place, but there’s more to it than that. Most of us also want to feel a sense of purpose and belonging. That’s why the world’s most successful businesses are those with teams of employees who have a genuine interest in the company’s mission and goals.

No one wants to sit in front of a desk all day, every day mindlessly entering data into a system without an inkling of curiosity about what they’re doing and why they’re doing it. People want to know that what they do matters, and that their efforts are contributing to something greater. A great leader is someone who can help employees better identify with their roles and know that they are making a difference that goes beyond the company’s financial performance.

A good leader also knows how and when to reward people. This isn’t just about the perks you offer your employees in general, which tend to lose their ability to motivate after a while anyway. Rather, it’s about rewarding employees based primarily on two factors – performance and behavior. Performance is the easiest to track since it is directly related to goals. Behavior is a bit more variable, but it largely boils down to rewarding employees who have a positive impact on the company in some way.

The Importance of Teamwork

Any successful company is defined by the ability of its employees to work together as a team. If there’s a lack of communication in your office or between departments, your whole business will suffer.

Employees who feel isolated and marginalized by following the same daily routine and having minimal interaction with others are hardly likely to feel engaged at work. That’s why the best places to work tend to be those with a friendly, transparent, and social atmosphere where everyone functions as an effective team.

Many companies create powerful working groups and team-building activities to help their employees develop their skills and build better relationships. This collaborative environment fosters productivity, communication, motivation, and job satisfaction. By implementing such a program, employees will feel a greater sense of purpose and a sense of ownership within the company.

Engaging employees through strong teamwork isn’t just about building relationships – it’s also about choosing the right tools. Technology that’s efficient, that enhances collaboration, and that streamlines productivity enables a more engaged workforce. Cloud technologies help achieve that -- by providing greater workforce mobility while also letting people work on the same documents simultaneously no matter where they are.

At F1 Solutions, we fully understand the importance of having the right technology on your side to help improve teamwork and build a more engaged workforce. If you’re ready to transform your business for the better, speak to our team today.

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